It seems ironic that some years ago the council made it illegal to have a water tank if you had access to town water, and people had to remove existing ones or face a penalty. How things change, today the council offer a$500 rebate on tanks 3,000 litres and over plus the state government give a $1,000 towards the cost of any tank and installation. The tank people are out to 8 weeks delivery and quotes are taking a fortnight. The guy who installed ours said that some are starting to charge $50 just to quote. Ours is a Slimline colourbond 1850w x 2150h x 850 deep with 3000L. capacity. It was just the right size for our wall , we didn't have to move our hanging baskets at each side. Fortunately we got it just in time for the showers this week, it was great to put your ear to the side listening to the rain trickle in. Its about half full now, so that might be it for the present as the rain has pretty well cleared. Larraine and I were having a laugh because its given us an excuse to buy some more plants. We used to have the clothes line there, so now the tank's there we thought it needed a few herbs and shrubs to keep it company. With the plants on the other side we were hoping to create a sort of entrance to the back section of the garden.
You'll have frogs in there in no time :).
Evan with new installation of tanks now they have fine mesh on the top where the water goes in and a removable downpipe with mesh on. So frogs can't get in anymore.
What?!? You need to make some adjustments ;). --~~~~
Its interesting to read about your new water tank and it's true what you say about thigs turning full circle. We have greenhouses built goodness knows when and they all have underground water tanks to catch the rain water from the roof. They haven't been used for some years by the look of things but I can see the time coming when it might be worth cleaning them out and restoring them.
This has nothing to do with your water tank, but I absolutely LOVE those chimney pipes (I think?) in the back that are planted with succulents (I think?)... whatever it is, it makes a gorgeous scene and is so much more interesting than having planted those things directly in the ground. I'm taking notes... :)
thanks for visiting Kim , there is more information on this in June archive under autummn project 2
Water tanks have come a long way since we had them at palm Beach (NSW) when I was growing up. Yours is a beauty. It will be a comfort for you to have that water!
Yes, it's amazing how things go full circle.
Having been a country boy from Alabama I have eaten squirrels, rabbits and frog legs. I have drank water out of cisterns and also drank water from a river without treatment. I have drank water with wiggle tails at my friend’s house. At home we had a cover over our cistern and an old hand pump. We did not have wiggle tails in our water. On two occasions a critter got in our cistern and drown. That is my past. If the water taste bad spit it out and clean your system. Keep bird dropping off your roof it will cause algae in your tank. Keep your tank clean and properly chlorinate the water you drink. If the water system allows you to have this tank they have a backflow prevention device to prevent your tank from putting water into their system. I think it is a great idea and I wish you the best of luck with your water treatment system.
You can see in the picture that the tank cleverly connects to the old stormwater pipe.
The water from the roof previously went down the stormwater pipe to below ground level and then along pipes and streams to the sea.
Now the water from the roof goes into the new tank. If the tank is full then excess water continues down the stormwater pipe.
@Evan, I agree with you that frogs will begin to live in their garden in no time. :) Anyway, Roybe, how's your water tank's condition right now? Is it still in good condition after 6 long years, or have you bought a new one? If you have, then, it's good for you. You wouldn't have to worry about sludge forming inside your tank. It may cost you lots of trouble if that happens.
It's surprising how policies change over time. Your Slimline colorbond tank sounds perfect for your space. Enjoy listening to the rain and adding new plants. For anyone considering a tank, I highly recommend checking out FTC's frp water tanks for great options!
It's surprising how policies change over time. Your Slimline colorbond tank sounds perfect for your space. Enjoy listening to the rain and adding new plants. For anyone considering a tank, I highly recommend checking out FTC's FRP water tanks for great options!
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