The other morning I could hear a Sedgefrog happily chirping away somewhere in the midst of our " Powder puff" Lillypilly. It took me ages to spot it but then thats why they are green I suppose. Camera-flarged. Groan..........
Litoria caerulea, Litoria fallax, Litoria peronii, Litoria gracilenta, Limnodynastes peronii, all live here
Found him - though I had to take my glasses off and blow the photo up first ...
Normally, I can spot a frog from a mile away, but that one took me ages. The use of lines to break up the shape of a frog has always been a strange concept to me, but it really worked this time!
excellent camoflague.. nearly didn't see it
I keep trying but cannot see the little prince.
I can't spot him!!!
I found him. The branch+leave camouflage looked perfectly.
However, I know some things about herps and it can't escape the snake's thermal vision. I guess that'd be its top predator.
where is it :(
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