Saturday mornings are probably a favourite time for most people.... time for a good walk before breakfast, an early start on a planned project or maybe just a well earned sleep in after a busy week. Talking about early morning walks, just about everyone you meet will say good morning if it's early. I've noticed later in the day people are more reticent to speak, has anyone else noticed that? It's as if the freshness of the dawn and the sound of the birds has a disarming effect on people. I always look to speak if I'm out walking later but generally speaking you don't get the same response.
We love to listen to garden talkback on the radio early on saturdays. Even though quite often the same questions come up, it's so nice to hear the interaction between the callers and the gardening expert, in our case thats Annette Mcfarlane. She's taking a group to the Chelsea flower show soon, the very name of this exhibition makes the gardener's mouth water.
Then it's time for the regular trip to the Northey st. organic fruit and veggie market. Lots and lots of farm fresh produce. The market is held every saturday morning in the car park of the Northey st. community garden. (pictured 3rd down) The garden is the initiative of the Brisbane City Council and run by volunteers. The markets have a great atmosphere, a place to let your braces dangle,(an english expression meaning to relax) and have a coffee and muffin. As you can see from the shot the coffee shop is pretty basic and laid back, cob oven and earth toilet etc.
Also on the site is the nursery Edible landscapes, they sell completely organic seedlings and fruit trees and a large range of herbs. If any bloggers would like to do a post describing their typical saturday morning it would be good to read. Enjoy your week.
What an amazing market I've never seen anything like it. Wish I could visit.
I love this market, it has a great atmosphere with the community garden right next door, especially considering it is in the middle of a city! I was there last weekend looking for for great products to sell on my site www.ethikl.com.au and found some great stuff!
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