This is a native shrub orthosiphon aristatus common name cats whiskers. It likes a shady or semi-shady positions. I think it normally flowers spring/summer but ours is still flowering into autumn and still getting new buds on. They need a prune after flowering otherwise they get a bit leggy.
Hi there, Roybe. Thank you for your comments on my blog. I've been looking at yours and loving your garden. You must gain so much pleasure from it. The bromiliads are glorious. I love how green it all looks. Green is something I long for, especially in the summer time here. In fact, it's only when we have a good Spring that the surrounding countryside is green.
I love your ponds, ferns, and the abundance and variety of frogs. Is the sound deafening at times?
I've added you to my favourites so that I can visit often.
thanks alice,we've got used to the marsh frogs it's a steady toc toc.graceful tree frogs after heavy rain are a little harder to take. but eventually nothing keeps us awake. the sound of nature is quite comforting really.yes it is much greener here, but we do miss the distinctive smell of eucalpyts in the air you seem to get down south during the winter months regards roy
Thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hello. I've very much enjoyed looking at your pictures (especially love the frogs) and reading your descriptions. It's obvious you enjoy nature tremendously...and you do a very nice job recording and sharing it :) Thank you!
thanks kerri,likewise we enjoy visiting other gardens like yours. As we head into autumn/winter we look forward to seeing your new seasons growth.
This plant is lovely. I love white flowers:). Your garden is beautiful and it seems funny that you are winding down as we are starting up.
thanks for visiting sandy,all the seasons are opposite down here instead of a white christmas we have a bright christmas.
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