A good friend of ours told us that the best tomato plants are the self sown ones. How true she was. This particuliar plant is a baby off one of three we had planted last season. There are more tomatoes on this plant than the total crop of the three plants last year. Our little grandaughter who loves the garden had the privilege of picking the first ripe ones
Hi Roy
Looks like your going to have a nice crop of Tomatoes there. Mine are just starting to get small fruit.You cant beat the flavour of home grown.
Two wonderful aspects to that photo, Roy - a grandchild who loves the garden and fresh homegrown tomatoes.
i too have a cherry tomato plant in my garden and a visiting friend told me that was a mistake, because it would self-seed all over the place.
H m m m , that's okay with me!
Early tomatoes, mine are just 10cm high at the moment! Well done.... damn qld weather!
I sure am missing our home grown tomatoes already. The little cherries are so sweet! Nice to have your little granddaughter in the garden with you :)
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