The ball itself is suspended by a chain connected to a hanging basket so it gets the water run off. It dangles happily at the side of the carport enjoying filtered morning sun. My theory is ( and I hope I'm right) by the time the cane rots, as no doubt it will eventually the elkhorns will have bound together as a clump holding everything together. I've added this week two miniature Hoya cuttings one should climb up the chain hopefully and one should hang down. Some may wonder if the plants are a little crowded, the answer to that is yes, but they really do seem to be having a ball. Happy gardening folks. ( click on picture for a larger view.)
i like your ingenuity.The plants look very happy on the chain in your carport with the dappled sunshine.Exotic plants again.
Hello Roy, nice to meet you. You have beautiful pictures - thank you for sharing them, and your gardening ideas are very effective.
p.s. I'd love to do a link to my blog if that is okay?
What a unique idea.
the plants look pretty altogether. My mum used to grow maidenhair fern (and so other plants). I love it!
hello Roy, I knew those cane balls must be good for something! I have a gardening blog (of sorts) and would like to add you to my links.
Hi Roy, great idea. Now, if I were to try this in Canada, I would probably have to keep this plant indoors? what light conditions? heat? humidity?
Yes kati,probably you'd have to grow them in a hothouse where you live.
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